Tails of Hope: The Story of Sparky

Tails of Hope: The Story of Sparky

by | Sep 13, 2016 | Tails of Hope Stories | 0 comments

As a famous band once sang, we get by with a little help from our friends. One kitten got by with help from an unlikely friend, who opened his heart, and his wallet, to a kitten in desperate need of medical attention.

A good Samaritan foSparky und a tiny kitten on his porch one morning, and could see the kitten had serious health issues. The kitten’s eyes were crusted shut, and he was very thin.

The Samaritan is not much of a cat person, and knew he was not going to be able to keep the kitten. He was going to surrender the kitten to the Humane Society of Macomb Animal Shelter, but out of his own kindness, he paid to have the kitten examined by a veterinarian first.

He brought the kitten to the Humane Society of Macomb Animal Clinic, where he was examined by a doctor. The doctor estimated the kitten to be 3-4 weeks of age, and determined he had a severe eye infection. The crusting of the eyes was so severe, the doctor had to shave the kitten’s matted fur around the eyes to be able to examine them fully.

Once the doctor examined the eyes, she found them to be very cloudy.  It was unknown at the time whether the kitten could see, or if he would ever be able to see.

Eye problems should always be considered an emergency, as they can quickly progress, and can cause tremendous pain for the animal. Also, if left untreated, the animal can become blind as a result of eye trauma or other conditions.

The kitten was placed on topical eye medication and oral antibiotics, both of which were paid for by the good Samaritan. He was then transferred to the Humane Society of Macomb Animal Shelter’s care, in the hope that he will one
day find his forever home with a special family.

Because of the intensive care the kitten would need, he was placed in foster with a shelter employee. The employee dedicated herself to caring for the kitten, and named him “Sparky.” She provided regular bottle feedings due to his young age, and administered multiple medications several times daily.Sparky Recovered

2 ½ months later, Sparky is proving to be quite the fighter. He has put on more than a pound, currently weighing what a healthy kitten should.

His eyes remain cloudy, and it is believed he can only see shadows, rather than clear images. His eye issues don’t slow him down, though. He loves to walk right behind his foster mommy, and plays like any other kitten. He’s a busy little guy, and loves to keep his foster mom on her toes.

Time will tell as to what will be done for Sparky’s eyes. Hopes are that they will heal themselves through scar tissue, though the prognosis for that is guarded. What is certain, however, is that even if the eyes don’t recover, Sparky’s determined personality will allow him a fairly normal quality of life.

Animals confronted with illness or physical defects have proven an inner strength beyond belief. Though his recovery of vision is uncertain, Sparky has proven he will continue to overcome his disabilities, leading a happy life a kitten should have.